Azerbaijani Information on Recent War was Proved Authentic with Counter Checks to World Media ; Tazeen Akhtar Pakistan


Tazeen Akhtar

It is heartening to note that 146th anniversary of “Azerbaijan National Press Day” is being celebrated on July 22 with a determination that the Press and Media in Azerbaijan will continue playing its pivotal role in informing and enlightening the people through true and factual reports.

The journalist Mr. Hassan Bey Zardabi initiated this celebration to create sense of responsibility of providing the right picture of the matters and unbiased, real side of the stories. Azerbaijan Press and Media have fulfilled their duties in the recent War imposed by Armenia on Azerbaijan in which the aggression was thwarted by valiant forces and public of Azerbaijan.

Our group “Pakistan in the World” ( and Daily Azkaar Islamabad ( were regularly covering the war and the information and claims coming from both sides. We can state without any hesitation and without any apprehension of contradiction that the stories sent from Armenian were not information but disinformation actually. While the information shared by Azerbaijan government through different news agencies and tv channels was in accordance with the facts and figures. Further counter check with renown independent media of major European and other countries also proved the authenticity and maturity of Azerbaijani side.

Azerbaijan Press and Media have worked hard in the past to present the right perspectives from Baku to the world community in their research based articles and analysis’ with historical references and ground realities. It proves that Press and Media is not only knows its work but also aware of its responsibilities to bring the true pictures before the eyes of the nation and international community.

Pakistan press like our group Pakistan in the World and Daily Azkaar has been able to offer the latest and factual information on the position of Azerbaijan in critical issues like war only thanks to Azerbaijan Press and Media. This working can further be reshaped into meaningful cooperation and joint ventures just for the sake of truth. We are ready to sign agreements with Azerbaijani organizations in this regard.


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