International online marathon “Friendship Bridge. Guide 2020: new opportunities and perspectives”


Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( — On 20 August 2020, the online marathon “Bridge of Friendship. Guide 2020: New Opportunities and Prospects”, organized jointly by the Institute for Tourism Development under the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development, the World Federation of Tourist Guides Associations (WFTGA) with the technical support of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine and the Public Association “Nudge Ukraine”.

The rich marathon program includes 5 days of active work until 25 August, inclusively, in two languages at once: Russian and English.

A large-scale online event will bring together tourism experts and speakers from more than 20 countries: Austria, Spain, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Israel, India, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and others.

The main goal of the marathon is to gather colleagues from all over the world on the site to improve professional skills using existing information technologies and technical means in the field of tourism. In addition, participants will be able to present their startup projects and find more opportunities for their implementation.

The marathon is scheduled for 5 panel discussions, as well as webinars and master classes, which will touch upon topics important for guides:

new requirements for the profession after the pandemic;

VR and digital marketing in the guide’s activities;

support of guides and restoration of their activities;

improving skills and much more.

The marathon will help establish contacts with tour guide associations and educational institutions around the world to strengthen their professional ties and facilitate the exchange of fast, reliable information between participants.

The event is being held online at no cost to support the guides during such a difficult period for them, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This event is held to support guides in such a difficult period for them, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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