Sultanate Marks 50th National Day – Message of Ambassador H.E. Al Sheikh Mohammed Omar Ahmed Al Marhoon 



On 18th of November, the Sultanate marks its 50th National Day anniversary. On this auspicious occasion, the glorious 50th National Day, it gives me pleasure to extend to His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tariq (May God protect him) and the Omani people, my highest consideration and regard. Yet, this year’s celebration is impinged by sentiments of sour sorrow for the loss of Father of Omani renaissance, the late His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Bin Taimour, who sculpted this Arabian edifice from scratch, his vigilant eye not missing a flaw in any side of the monument. Within a short span of ten months, His Majesty Sultan Haitham was able to make many achievements. With insight and strong will, he restructured the State’s Administrative Apparatus to keep pace with Oman Vision 2040 whose salient features were drawn out by all segments of society in a manner that responds to His Majesty the Sultan’s aspirations. Under his patronage, the participants determined the future goals and economic, social and cultural approaches for a more verdant phase of development.

As soon as he assumed power, in his first nation address, His Majesty Sultan Haitham reaffirmed the permanent stands of the Sultanate’s foreign policy, saying that the Sultanate advocates peaceful co-existence among nations, good neighborliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. His Majesty the Sultan also stressed that he would follow the footsteps of the late Sultan Qaboos Bin Said bin Taimour.

In his speech, His Majesty the Sultan said, “We shall trace the course of the late Sultan, reaffirming the fundamentals of our country’s foreign policy based on peaceful co-existence with nations, good neighborliness, non-interference in the internal affairs of others, respect for countries’ sovereignty and international cooperation in various spheres .

”In addition, the principles of Omani foreign policy as established in its blessed renaissance espouse dialogue as a means for solving disputes. They also support values of tolerance, justice equality and the settlement of conflicts in accordance with the UN charter and rules of the International Law.

This enhanced the Sultanate’s regional and international status and made it a lighthouse of peace and security. It is worth noting that Omani foreign policy principles are derived from basics of Oman’s centuries-old civilisation and original values of Omani society that indicate a sincere desire to promote humanity and moderation.

As a result, the Sultanate is widely accepted as mediator in the international arena. The much-awaited Oman Economic Vision, scheduled to be implemented upon the start of the 10th Five Year Plan in January 2021, meets with serious challenges, including the slump in international oil prices and the global spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. These challenges prompted the government to undertake stringent measures, including a Medium-Term Fiscal Balance Plan (2020-2024) which features many initiatives and programs aimed at establishing solid foundations for financial sustainability, reducing general debt, upgrading the efficiency of government spending, enhancing the State’s financial reserves, improving revenues from investment of government (to help the country deal with any challenges) and, thus, setting economic growth upright.

With the aim of taking measures for making its progress / development in way to serve in the higher national interest, His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik ,in his speech last February, gave the framework of the important features of the next stage of development on the comprehensive review and attention. His Majesty Sultan Haitham pledged, as he leads the promising reign of the renewed renaissance, that he will elevate Oman, in the coming stage, to the level of aspirations of its people in all spheres. Citizens participation will be the main pillar of national action, he said, asserting his absolute confidence in the abilities of loyal Omani people to cope with the requirements of the age and the next stage of development, with clear vision, extreme wisdom, steadfastness and self-denial. His Majesty Sultan Haitham said, in a Royal address that:

“Nation building is a public responsibility binding upon all. No one is exempted. All should contribute within their capacities. Oman has been founded and its civilization consolidated with the sacrifices of its people, who relinquished everything dear for the sake of their country’s dignity and supremacy. They exhibited exemplary fidelity in performing their national duties.”

The distinguished Oman-Pakistan relations are in continuous and permanent progress, because they are based on a historical reference linking the two brotherly peoples. These relations will witness a tangible growth in various common fields of interest and that cooperation is well under way in the areas of investment and linking Omani ports with their Pakistani counterparts for strengthening the shipping line between the two countries and that Gwadar port will link the ports of the Sultanate the east gate. The embassy will work in the near future to arrange meetings between Omani businessmen and their Pakistani counterparts to promote trade aspect between the two countries.

H.E. Al Sheikh Mohammed Omar Ahmed Al Marhoon                                                              

The Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan                                                                         



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