Tazeen Akhtar
A desperate Prime Minister is bent upon mixing the things and confusing the minds with exaggerations and bluffs with respect to so called Conspiracy Letter from A Country. Prime Minister was total wrong in sharing with selected journalists that ” The letter reads that no confidence move is coming in Pakistan and if it is not succeeded Pakistan will face consequences.”
Prime Minister is exploiting the Letter Controversy only to save his chair by hook or by crook. Latest information coming after the session of National Security Committee NSC confirm that Prime Minister added many points into the letter. There is nothing about No Confidence Move and nothing about consequences if it is not passed.
Moreover, Prime Minister is playing at lose ground with another respect. That is , He says that the letter was sent and received before the no confidence move was submitted. He connected the letter with no confidence move but he failed to elaborate why he was silent on the letter from 8 March to 27 March? PM waved the letter in his 27th March rally and shared what has been “threatened” to him.
NSC members include three services chiefs, defense minister, chief ministers. Prime Minister convened the session and shared his point of view along with the letter but no one could find the description of No Confidence and Consequences in the letter proving that the Prime Minister is using the letter for political purposes only and not for the national security.