Message: Rear Admiral Imtiaz Ali
Director General Pakistan Maritime Security Agency
@Twelfth series of exercise BARRACUDA held on 2-4 Jan 2024.
The dependence of mankind on sea, its resources and environment has increased manifold in todays globalized world. The corresponding upscale in maritime activities is threatening marine environment. Mercantile traffic accounting for more than 90% of global trade carries along a perpetual danger of marine pollution through oil/chemical spills during collusion/ groundings and port operations.
Timely and effective containment of such pollution requires regular rehearsals of response options besides coordination among all stakeholders. Likewise, being Regional Coordinator of Search and Rescue (SAR) setup of IMO, maritime services of Pakistan are required to coordinate and respond to distress situations at sea where human life and property is at risk.
PMSA has consistently taken the leading role both national and international level to safeguard maritime security in the region and the exercise has become a signature event of PMSA since 2007.
The pressing need for mitigating and managing Oil spill at sea became evident following the catastrophic incident of MV TASMAN SPIRIT In Karachi back in 2003. PMSA then vehemently proposed development of national oil spill contingency plan to deal with all maritime disasters.
Subsequently the national Marine Disaster Contingency Plan (NMDCP) was approved by Govt in 2007 which mandated PN & PMSA to lead national effort to fight the pollution, oil spillage and other maritime disasters at sea.
Resultantly exercise BARRACUDA was conceived by PMSA with the aim of generating consensus and fostering a coordinated response among different stakeholders, ensuring preparedness in the event of potential maritime disaster.
The practical manifestation of response mechanism was seen in case of oil spill by MT AL-JAWAZA off Mubarik village and MV Hang Tong off Sea View wherein all stakeholders came together to handle disaster of oil spill at sea.
NAVAL EXERCISE BARRACUDA-XII – Protecting the Oceans from Marine Pollution & Oil Spill Disasters