Pakistan’s National accountability is fast paced towards bringing all fraudulent and dishonest entities in the realm of justice. Sounds great on paper but what’s camouflaged from public eye is, the not so impeccable institution has shattered the lives, services and careers of hundreds of finest & noble men alongside their families in the garb of accountability.
Mr. Deputy Chairman Senate has unprecedently taken NAB by the horns which is a favorable sign, Pakistan encourages and upholds this effort. NAB’s innocent victims eminence and professions are now tainted forever whereas the institution’s achievements are meager by comparison except partial political point scoring, NAB has become the trojan horse . Unfortunately, some men under investigation lost their lives due to sheer pressure and humiliation.
The Bureau was established by the then dictator Musharraf in 1999 to enforce anti-corruption measures. It existed by the name of Ehtishab commission by Nawaz Sharif when he came to power in 1997, NAB’s primary job title was to investigate public office corruption but gradually, it has gone beyond its mandate and chases private citizens, Professionals and businessmen alike. Foreign investors now fear contributing in our economy. This will certainly give wave to mistrust and harm Pakistan’s international repute as a brisk emerging market.
NAB activities in recent years cannot be fully ruled out. some commendable work of NAB worth mention is the recovery of Madaraba scam in which the vulnerable people were tricked in the name of Islamic investment. Mufti Ehsan alongside his collaborators were given 10 years sentence and fined Rs10 billion.This is the work nation wants to see.
Although I, support transparency from those in power corridors but there should be a visible line between personal vendetta, and unobstructed Justice towards all defendants, so no other should come forward after decade and recall a personally motivated, false trail initiated by the then Saif ur Rehman Chairman NAB because his corruption laden company was closed down due to an exceptional senior Bureaucrat. NAB has upgraded little since then. The target in 2000s was Bureaucracy now replaced by legislators & business community.
Mr. Saleem Mandviwalla, D. Chairman Senate has become the voice of all those affected by NAB. Since no institution is above the law, the self-proclaimed invincible NAB should also be liable for their foul play, it’s time to come clean or lay off.
Ayesha Khan- Award winning Entrepreneur 2019 Global Goodwill Ambassador Pakistan (GGA)Humanitarian