ISLAMABAD, November 17: Embassy of Federal Republic of Ethiopia in Pakistan on Friday launched “Generation Medemer” authored by Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, which aims to create a cohesive and harmonious society. Dr Abiy Ahmed had successfully led a change in the second most populous nation of Africa with effective implementation of his Medemer vision that advocated “interdependence and togetherness – a way of life that emphasizes collaboration, cooperation and unity”.
In this regard, a ceremony was held at the Ethiopian Embassy here in which the Secretary to the Federal Ministry of Education, Waseem Ajmal Chaudhry was the chief guest, while a large number of diplomats, politicians, government officials, members of parliament, media and civil society also participated. Ambassadors of Saudi Arabia Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki, Portugal Frederico Silva, High Commissioner of Kenya Ms Nyambura Kamau, Chief of Mission of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ms Dilsod SENOL were paresent at the event.
Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador Jemal Beker Abdullah explained the Medemer philosophy of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, a Nobel laureate, and a supporter of regional integration and Pan-Africanism.
The Ambassador said that Dr. Abiy Ahmed has successfully led a transformation in Africa’s most populous country with the effective implementation of his Medemer vision which has brought “interdependence, solidarity – and a way of life based on cooperation”. It is based on emphasis.”
The ambassador said Ethiopia had a visionary leader and a prolific writer who had authored three books that spelled out a holistic recipe to build a better and stronger generation that hands down a perfect legacy to the next generations that through further fine-tuning keeps up on this inter-generational connectivity which will ultimately give birth to an ideal and resilient nation.
He said that Ethiopia has a visionary leader and an accomplished writer who has authored three books that have presented a comprehensive recipe for building a better and stronger generation that will ultimately lead to exemplary and resilient nations.
The ambassador said what makes us Ethiopians proud today is that we are led by a visionary leader, the Prime Minister, Honorable Dr. Abiy Ahmed, who since coming to power, has built a strong political, economic, social and legal system. Working diligently to build up the skills that the present generation can use to overcome the shortcomings of the past.
He said that the opening of the Ethiopian embassy in Pakistan is also a result of the reforms made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in Ethiopia’s foreign policy due to Pakistan’s geopolitical importance, economy, geographical location and diverse culture. It is very important.
The Federal Secretary for Education appreciated the positive change brought by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr. Abiy Ahmed in his country through his philosophy, thought and vision of Medemer , who was the guiding force of modern Ethiopia which has achieved remarkable economic growth in the recent past.
He said the idea of ‘Medemer Generation’ had paramount importance to Pakistan’s context so as to address the challenges and harness the potential to build a strong and vibrant country.
“Ethiopia is ruled by a dynamic and visionary leader, Dr. Abiy Ahmed Prime Minister, a globally popular and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who is striving to leave a legacy for future generations, The federal secretary concluded.
President of the Africa-Pakistan Association Zafar Bakhtawari, in his speech, highlighted the outcome of Medemer idea or philosophy that had brought economic and social transformation he had seen during his visit to Ethiopia.
Abiy Ahmed has previously published two books titled “Medemer” and “Medemer Journey.” This latest series, “Generation Medemer”, is published in Amharic, Afan Oromo, and English languages.
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