“IRAN PAKISTAN CONFLICT – Justification of Islamabad for Quick Response – Lesson to Learn”

Dr. Nasir Hussain Bukhari
Iran and Pakistan got involved into a confrontation after the missile s attack on panjgoor. Iran claimed that it had hit the hideouts of the Jaish ul Adal, a miltant group that is involved in militancy and terrorism in Iran. This attack was taken as a violation the sovereignty of an independent state Pakistan. Therefore , Pakistan decided to respond with more rigor to avoid any such violation in future.
Pakistan’s response to Iran has certain justification. If Pakistan would have not responded to Iran immediately, it would set the precedent for any neighboring state to attack on Pakistan, particularly, India may use this example to attack in Azad Kashmir.
Pakistan s chivalrous response to Iran s attack has also sent a strong message to the TTP that now Pakistan will strike the hideouts of the TTP, if any misadventure is conducted from TTP. After the strikes of Pakistan, the regional and international powers got active to defuse the tension between two neighbours who cannot afford such confrontation.
if both states do not behave responsibly, the peace in the region may devastate. There is confirmed news that China and Turkey are playing the role of arbitrators between Pakistan and Iran to defuse the tension. Both Iran and Pakistan have agreed to avoid further military confrontation.
However, it is imperative to have a look on Pak Iran foreign relations to analyze this misadventure on the part of Iran. History reveals that when Pakistan intercepted ,Iran was the first state that immediately recognized Pakistan as a sovereign nation.
Pakistan and Iran remained two closer allies in the Baghdad Pact and later came to be known as CENTO. Regional Cooperation Development (RCD) stemmed out from CENTO. Pakistan, Iran and Turkey established the RCD to enhance the trade, cultural and commerce cooperation.

Pakistan strikes against hideouts inside Iran used by terrorists responsible for recent attacks

Pakistan accepted the Islamic Revolutionary government in 1979 as well as supported Iran by all means during the Iran Iraq war from 1980 to 1985. In 1985, on the initiative of Iran RCD was revived and renamed as Economic Cooperation Organization that consists of eleven Muslim states including central Asian States, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran.
Pakistan and Iran remained on the same page during indirect talks on Afghanistan from 1980 and to 1988 until Geneva Accord was signed. it is really astonishing for analysts to know about the sudden attacks on Pakistan and then Pakistan s response to Iran.
However, if the breaking news of Kamran Yusuf is analyzed it resolves the mystery of these sudden incidents. Kamran Yusuf a responsible Pakistani journalist ,disclosed in his Vlog that Hassan Nusraullah tweeted after Iran s attack that it had been made after understanding with Pakistan.
Now this news and the following Pakistan s response to attack on Balochistan Liberation Front and Balochistan Liberation Army s hideouts. It apparently seems that Iran has destroyed the hideouts of Jaish ul Adal and Pakistan has accomplished the target of destroying the hideouts of BLA and BLF. After these attacks on both sides, the officials of both Pakistan and Iran have indicated to go for normalcy.
The militants either in Pakistan or Iran are no more acceptable. It is in the wider interests of Pakistan and Iran to maintain cordial relations to bring peace in the region. Both states economic conditions do. not support the war.


It is also appropriate to analyze the attacks of Iran on Syria, and Iraq to destroy the headquarter of MOSAD ,ISIS and American air base. these attacks reflects the mindset of superiority that Iranis have developed in centuries. Now Iran wants to send a message to the world particularly to the USA,Israel and Middle Eastern Arab states that it has acquired the strategic and military might to become the most powerful actor in the region.
The proxies of Iran Hezbullag, Houthies and Ansar Allah as well as to some extent HAMAS also play a role in strengthening her agenda. Iran has successfully dismantled all proxies which were established to destabilize Iran, Iraq and Syria. it is another plus point for Iran.
But the study of proxies created by Pakistan reveals entirely different a fact. Taliban who were heavily dependent on Pakistan ,they  emerged as dissidents to their creator and funder Pakistan after gaining control on Afghanistan.
Iran must learn lesson from this example that proxies ultimately turns into dissidents. The wise approach to become a regional power is to grow in the field of trade and commerce like China rather than to become a policeman in the region.
If Israel has got almost helpless to confront HAMAS and Hizb Ullah despite using it’s most modern and strongest military power, the result may be similar for all nations who created proxies and believes they may defend their national interests.
These proxies can endanger the peace of the world and sovereignty of the creator. another example is Israel that create DAESH (ISIS) and that strategy repulsed in the form of Hizb Ullah and Hamas confrontation. Pakistan is facing the menace of TTP so far.
It may safely be concluded that new world order is emerging where such proxies are endangering the existing peace rather may lead the world to third world war. therefore, it will be wise measure to adopt policy of peaceful coexistence with all neighbours and the nations of the world.

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