
    Tazeen Akhtar

    The National Accountability Bureau, the most disputed institution/department whatever is again working on Malik Riaz Hussain of Bahria Town who is in self exile in UAE where he has launched Bahria Town Dubai project. What a humorous state of affairs by the way! A person is wanted in his own country for alleged “Frauds” (NAB forgot it is not a Court) and another country whose rulers rule the rulers of Pakistan have allowed him to work on their land. How funny!

    NAB is ignoring one important thing that the NAB of Musharraf Regime cleared Bahria Town after thorough investigations before 2008. Also Bahria remained under watch and investigation during Benazir government between 1993 to 1996. But Bahria emerged clear and successfully delivering their projects.

     NAB’s press release speaks itself a lot that it is naive and immature attempt to make a mountain of a mole hill. Most probably, NAB has issued it on the behest of someone else and that someone else has not given a second thought to a sudden spark in his mind.

    Money Back from UK is in Connection with Settlement in Supreme Court- Malik Riaz Refutes any Corruption

    According to a press release of the bureau, the NAB possesses cogent and credible information about the fact that Malik Riaz and his accomplices have not only illegally possessed and occupied the state-owned land but also land belonging to private persons situated at Karachi, Takht-Parri, Rawalpindi and New Murree.

    He is using these lands for developing housing societies without obtaining mandatory and required regulatory permissions like No Objection Certificates and has committed fraud against the State and general public at large to the tune of billions of rupees.

    In a duplicitous manner Malik Riaz has been developing housing societies under the name of Bahria Town (Pvt.) Ltd. in other cities including Peshawar and Jamshoro by illegally possessing and occupying land.

    It was said that Malik Riaz continues to defraud the general public at large by selling them plots and files in these illegal housing societies. Neither does Malik Riaz nor Bahria Town (Pvt.) Ltd. have a good and clear title to any of the lands in these illegal housing societies.

    At the moment Malik Riaz is an absconder in the NCA case (190 Million Pounds) and is wanted by Court. The NAB has already frozen innumerable assets of Bahria Town (Pvt.) Ltd. and Malik Riaz. Malik Riaz, is residing in UAE, has recently launched a project for the construction of luxury apartments in Dubai.

    The general public at large is hereby advised and warned to refrain from investing in the stated project. If the general public at large invests in the stated project, their actions would tantamount to money laundering, for which they may face criminal and legal proceedings.

    The Government of Pakistan is reaching out to the Government of United Arab Emirates for the extradition of Malik Riaz through legal channels # NAB press release ends here.

    What Malik Riaz has Done to Karachi? Tazeen Akhtar

    NAB press release seems to be prepared hastily and no senior officer has applied mind on the content of the PR. For example, the press release says that Bahria launched projects without NOCs. This allegation goes more against NAB itself and other concerned departments than Bahria or Malik Riaz.

    NAB’s jurisdiction is more than 500 Million Rupees corruption. NAB press release has nothing about the total amount of Malik’s “Frauds” with the public. Legally NAB has not fulfilled the basic condition of the investigation.

    The prosecutors of NAB badly need to read the history first than abruptly issue a half cooked charge sheet. Malik and National Crime Agency UK signed agreement that paved the way of transfer of confiscated money into Supreme Court’s account. When Imran decided on it in the cabinet meeting, a major part of the amount (170 Million Pounds) were already sent into SCP’s account. It means NCA had no objection while SCP was taking decisions before the matter was taken up in the cabinet. Therefore NAB needs to review this charge asap to keep from cutting a sorry figure later.

    As far as, Malik’s extradition is concerned , here to NAB is playing on the weak wicket. Yes! both countries have a treaty for wanted but question is why UAE will hand over Malik to Pakistan after giving him permission to construct a Bahria Town in Dubai? Does NAB think that UAE is not aware of what Malik is doing there? How Innocent………….

    Bahria Town Properties Launches New Office in Dubai South

    In Pakistan, Malik is not about Bahria Town only. Malik developed Defense Housings as well. DHAs were handed over to Malik by the owners of DHAs and who does not know who are the owners of DHAs. Malik worked on DHAs during last more than a decade time having hundreds of uniform officials involved. NAB would issue a press release about them as well? Or start investigation against them too? I don’t think so.

    Anyway, NAB is a powerful investigator and one can do anything with power in Pakistan. NAB is welcome to work on Malik Riaz who is working with the government of UAE. We wish NAB the best, and we look forward that when NAB will work on UAE for Malik, better initiate action against the names who were exposed in Dubai Leaks as well. Why Dubai Leaks were not investigated by the way ? Does NAB has the guts to bring those who took 11 Billion Dollars to Dubai? Catch if you Can… Lets kill two birds with one stone !

    Finally, Malik has responded to the charge sheep of NAB, warning all those who have been involved in this business of exposing them. Most probably, NAB would soon go on silent mode and if not, another Dubai Leaks will be making headlines and breaking news in Pakistani media soon. Then all the pious will be perished pathetically.

    Pakistan in the World – January 2024




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