Report : Tazeen Akhtar
Pictures : Raja Ghulam Farid + Ramzan Moghal
Pakistan and Romania refreshed their resolve to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the reception in connection with National Day of Romania, the Great Union, 106 ago in 1918.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Stoenescu, Ambassador designate to Pakistan hosted the reception to mark the day and celebrate it with Pakistani friends on 11 Dec 2024 at Serena Hotels Islamabad. Mr. Tariq Fatemi, Minister of State, Foreign Affairs graced the event as Chief Guest. His spouse MNA Zahra Wadood Fatemi was also present.
Ambassador European Union Dr Riina Kionka, Ambassadors of Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Sweden, Norway,Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic and other European countries, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Yemen, Japan, Thailand and other African and Asian countries, diplomats, defense attaches, Senior civil and military officers of Pakistan, businessmen, civil society and media persons attended the event.
Ambassador Stoenescu, in his welcome address, shed light on the history of the day. He said, “On December 1st, 2024, we celebrate one hundred and six years since the realization of our Great Union, a historical landmark for the vision and fundamental objectives of our nation, national consciousness, and unity. By recalling the historic act of December 1, 1918, Romanians, at home and abroad, symbolically reaffirm our society’s maturity, strength, and determination to overcome even the most difficult crises, with confidence in the features that define us and in the future we can build together.”
He touched the ongoing crisis in East Europe soon after the introductory remarks that depicts how deeply and closely Romania is looking at this phase of history. He said, “Thirty-five years after the fall of the Iron Curtain in Europe, replacing totalitarianism with democracy, we are living in a complex international context, marked by the illegal, unjustified, and unprovoked aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, instability and radicalism. Determination and solidarity remain essential values.”
Ambassador expressed his strong words for EU security and support for Ukraine. He said, “With a predictable foreign policy, anchored in European and transatlantic democratic values, Romania is currently an essential contributor to Europe’s security, continuing, as long as necessary, the firm and multidimensional support for Ukraine and its citizens and its constructive engagement in strengthening security in the Black Sea region and NATO’s Eastern Flank.”
” Romania does not address these difficulties and challenges in isolation. Today, Romania is part of the strongest collective security alliance, NATO, which brings a billion people under its protective umbrella, Mr. Stoenescu continued.
Celebrating Progress and Commitment to Europe on Romania’s National Day
European Union
“Moreover, we are part of the most visionary and dynamic union of sovereign states, the European Union, a common space of democratic values and rights, prosperity, and culture. The commencement of EU accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and the provision of the necessary support for the successful completion of these processes remain essential benchmarks for diplomatic action to strengthen societal resilience and for long-term democratic and economic development, Ambassador noted.
He said, at the same time, Romania remains a firm supporter of the European course of our partners in the Western Balkans, a strategic area for strengthening the security, stability and prosperity of Europe.
Romania and Pakistan
Ambassador spoke highly on Romania and Pakistan relations. He said, both countries enjoy very good bilateral relations and Pakistan represents an important partner for Romania in the South Asian region. Moreover, this year, Romania and Pakistan celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations, and this link has been constantly developed throughout the years.
“This mutual motivation has rendered a fruitful political dialogue, reflecting the clear desire of both states to develop a pragmatic relationship in fields of common interests. Our two countries are bound to take forward the bilateral agenda and the cooperation within the EU-Pakistan framework and in multilateral formats, especially within the UN, Mr. Ambassador shared.
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He expressed his gratitude to Mr. Tariq Saud, honorary consul in Karachi, Mr. Faiq Javed, honorary consul in Lahore, Mr. Masood Ahmad Qazi, future honorary consul in Peshawar and the participants of the celebration for their support, determination, and friendship.
Ambassador concluded his address with the slogans, “Long live Romania! Long live Pakistan!Long live the Romanian-Pakistan friendship! Romania Pakistan dosti zindabad!
Mr. Tariq Fatemi, in his address, cherished the memories of working with Romania from 50 years ago. He shared that he visited Romania first time 50 years ago when he was DG of Europe at Foreign Office of Pakistan. He was also present in the joining ceremony of Romania to European Union in Brussels.
In his address, Mr Fatemi said, ” This National day celebration is important event as both countries are celebrating 60 years of bilateral relations. Romania is a major country of EU with a strong industrial base. Pak Romania relations are not only the relations but they are meaningful relations. Romania has generously shared knowledge, experience and expertise with Pakistan.”
” Both countries also forged a partnership during some events occurred around them. Romania helped Pakistanis evacuate from Ukraine while Pakistan facilitated Romanians stranded in Afghanistan, he mentioned.
Mr. Tariq Fatemi shared his personal relation with Romania for his working on bilateral cooperation through the decades in the past. He rightly noted the strength of Pakistan Romania relations that expand from trade to defense, from education, science tech to international level at different plate forms.
This reception was very amicably hosted by the staff of the embassy and the guests enjoyed everything, including the various delicious dishes served for the participants.
Pakistan in the World – December 2024