PTI Blaming, PPP Playing, PMLN Lamenting – What Good can be Expected from All the Mess from All Sides by – Tazeen Akhtar

Tazeen Akhtar
My belief is no good can come out from a bad system. Either it is a system of the little most unit that is household or it is system of a state that is a big home to a large family of people. Big House I have not used the term because friends know for who it is used. When leaders are not actually the leaders according to the definition of the word “Leader” , whatever you do , you cast your vote vehemently, nothing better can be achieved if the leaders are not leaders but opportunists, credit seekers only, owning no ownership of the challenges and shifting the responsibilities always.
We are drowned in a multiple perplexity of different layers that are impossible to be broken because , who we see towards for solutions are actually not only part of the problems but mainly and basically creators of the problems.
This system of electorate is not democratic. Here vote of the Judge is equal to the vote of the thief, sentenced by the same Judge. There is no criteria of character of the candidate offering himself as the leader of the constituency. Wealth and power are the only qualifications, most of the candidates have. Most of them spend their whole term in the Parliament uttering not a single word in the house only because they know nothing about what is their duty as the representative of their voters.
Political parties are bent upon taking control of the driving seat but are not ready to share and own the responsibility of solving the problems. Most alarming situation is the largest party calls itself political party but does not believe in dialogue and acceptance, tolerance for other players in the game. This attitude leads the state towards Fascism only.
Figures clearly indicate more than half of registered votes are not polled, while half part of cast votes is wasted because it is about 49/51. It means , in case of Pakistan election, only 25 % of registered votes will be represented in the Parliament and Provincial Assemblies. It speaks loud about the citizens of the state are losing trust in the system. They are becoming indifferent to the affairs and issues of the state that is whistle blower for the decision makers of the state.

What is Being Cooked Behind the Scene ? What we are going to Eat in Next 5 Years? by -Tazeen Akhtar

PPP comes forward to save Pakistan?
No, not at all. Supporting PMLN gov remain out of gov but with retaining the constitutional seats like President, Chairman Senate, Speaker. It is national approach and saving Pakistan or it is playing in a worst situation of economic and integrity crisis of this country? It is equal to have benefits without any responsibility.
The challenges looming and aggravating day by day can only be tackled with collective efforts from all major political forces. If you are a nation wide party and if you are the hope of the public as you claim “chain of all provinces”, you can not play and go away. You should field as well. You are supposed to share the burden as you have shared the power since 1971.PPP has played good but do we expect playing from PPP in such a critical situation ?
Shahbaz not Nawaz ?
Why! It is just like , you make all arrangements of marriage but at the eleventh hour you change the groom. Home work was not done intelligently? Or you are non serious with state affairs ?
Why Nawaz is not ready to assume the charge? Certainly he is not ready to drive the Jeep that does not have tires, if it has the steering, that itself most of time is in some other hands. Nawaz withdraws his name only because all the mess was not according to what was decided with him before he took flight to Pakistan.
It is obvious that Nawaz has seen now what is coming ahead. He has seen that the system is not going to work. He is clear that he has been betrayed. Most probably , he will quit  his seat in assembly soon.
PMLN is not celebrating the opportunity to rule the country again but actually it is lamenting on being fixed to from the government and face the challenges alone. It is not possible. 16 months of PDM with Shahbaz in PM House proved to be the last nail in the coffin of the stinking corpse of this lose alliance. Bilawal disowned PDM and his own sharing the ministries with PMLN. How PMLN will survive 5 years with its singular responsibility? Not Possible.


Maryam in Punjab ?
Punjab is the best to launch the leader of the federation in the future. Especially , when big brother is PM (Shahbaz CM Nawaz PM) or uncle in PM (Shahbaz PM Maryam CM). Unlimited revenue with no national or international liabilities. Population paying the bills regularly obeying the laws submissively. More than half of total NA seats in Punjab. The province is connected and has influence in all other units of the country including the Capital city.
Therefore Maryam as CM Punjab will be the only achievement of Nawaz through all this arrangement. Here we are not going into the topic of the leadership abilities of Maryam. She has expressed them in last years since the unknown started work on Nawaz through judicial management.
PTI’s Blame of Rigging & Claim of Popularity
PPP will not be opposition in National Assembly. Independents (PTI) will have to join some other party. They hinted at MWM, the single seat and party …… it is not actually but registered at Election Commission of Pakistan. Now here one can ask PTI , how can you blame Rigging when ;
1- Your supported candidates won more seats than any other mainstream party?
2- MWM single seat is transparent or arrangement? To provide you a way forward?
I have noted in my previous article about the status of MWM and about an arranged meeting of head of MWM Mr. Raja Nasir Abbas with Imran in Jail only few days before election. MWM has no history of presence in National Assembly.
PTI was at the peak of popularity, especially when it had full fledged support from two power houses. Faiz + Bajwa. Even then failed to fetch simple majority that is half + 1 seats of the total. How can PTI claim itself as the only majority party in the country as it is claiming victory on more than 180 seats. How it is possible when you do not have any Faiz any Bajwa? PTI needs to understand , there are other stake holders as well who have their presence. Accept them if you want to be accepted.
Where Election Commission is Wrong
Even Election Commission of Pakistan is not serious in performance of its duties the nation has entrusted it. At ECP , the registered parties list is the longest in the world where not 5 -6-7-8-20-40 but 166 parties are registered as political parties.
No senior most journalist even , who is covering politics and elections for decades , can share the names of  more than 15 parties. Neither ECP has ever developed a mechanism / SoP for registration of a political party nor the mainstream parties bothered to suggest / define / legislate a criteria for the registration of any applicant as a political party.
Double Standards at All Sides
PTI was banned and deprived of the election symbol “BAT” only because their intra party election was not considered as “standardized” election. Supreme Court of Pakistan, Election Commission of Pakistan are bound and are supposed to answer the question , ” PMLN and PPP care to hold intra party elections. If there is an eye wash election activity, it can be considered standardized election? The answer is big NO.
It proves the double standards followed by all regimes always in their given situations. Once one party is victim of double standards like PMLN was in July 2018. Now it is PTI. Who is behind this game played turn by turn with all parties? Public is exposing without any fear. This is awakening call for the state organs.
No Good can Come out from All Wrong
The conclusion of above mentioned anomalies, faults at all sides, wrong doings at every level, no good is expected to come out from all this mess bought paying a hefty price of 50 Billion PKR from the exchequer of a state that is already at the verge of default and where parents are killing their kids and committing suicides only because they can not feed them a single meal in a whole day and night.
Finally, at the end, everyone will go hither and thither without being held responsible for the state of the state. Everyone will shift the responsibility here and there and the people of Pakistan will again be languishing in a state of confusion and chaos. Sorry to say but I can not tell a lie and can not see any betterment and that is why can not make you see any beacon of light at the end of the tunnel.
One Thing Only Can be Miraculous
Whoever is the beneficiary of the system, first of all, elected representatives, political parties, then military command, civil bureaucracy, courts, media, all should go to their own duties and perform in the favor of the state only. The Public has big role. They hold their representative accountable rather chant slogans in their rallies. Whoever claims to be a leader, should behave and act like a leader. Leaders are not self centered. Leaders are self less who live for the nation as a whole , not for their party workers only.
The Independents should be declared a party without forcing them to join any other single seat party. Their mandate should be respected. They should be given the right of reserve seats. Their leadership is, then, supposed to sit in parliament with responsibility of the mandate they have received from the public. They need to understand the basic thing that the people have sent them to parliament and not for streets and sit inns.
Gov and opposition prepare a list of agreed points to work upon as Pakistanis only. Economy, Letting Live the Citizens, Political Stability, Security, Anti Terrorism, Territorial Integrity, Nuclear, Kashmir are few points where all voters of all parties are looking forward to their elected representatives. Do not disappoint them now. If it is not now after consecutive failures in all previous election games, it will be never again, God Forbid. We don’t need that of democracy where the democrats can not make a consensus on these few topics only………

STATE OF THE STATE – HARD TO STATE – Who Brought Resolution on Postponement of Election in Senate of Pakistan? by Tazeen Akhtar


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