Pakistan in the World – This Week – From the Office of Spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs Islamabad


ISLAMABAD: Monitoring Desk – Transcript of the Media Briefing by the Spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan Thursday, 30 January 2025

Saudi Hospital in Sudan

Pakistan extends our deepest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the victims of the recent attack on Saudi Hospital in Al-Fasher, Sudan. The attack leading to unfortunate deaths supposedly of seventy people clearly violates international law and puts innocent civilians at grave risk. Pakistan believes that the conflict can only be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy. We express full support for the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sudan.

China Pak

Pakistan categorically rejects the baseless and unfounded allegations to target Pakistan China friendship. We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the foundational principle of One-China Policy which is a consistent cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy and remains unchanged. We reiterate that China is Pakistan’s all-weather strategic partner, and this relationship is characterized by mutual trust, shared values, support on issues of core concern and a commitment to regional and global stability.

Pakistanis from Morocco

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is coordinating the repatriation of 22 Pakistani survivors of the recent maritime incident near the Dakhla port in Morocco. Following thorough investigations and careful coordination with Moroccan authorities, these individuals will be returned to Pakistan in batches. And I can inform you today that first batch has arrived through two flights in Islamabad.

The Pakistan Embassy in Rabat is in close coordination with the Moroccan authorities to oversee the relief efforts and finalize the complex repatriation procedure.

The welfare of Pakistani nationals abroad remains an important priority of the government and it will continue to work to extend all possible facilitation in this regard. Further updates will be shared as the repatriation efforts move forward.

Pakistan Navy’s AMAN – 2025 , Exemplifies Naval Diplomacy, Uniting Diverse Forces -by Tazeen Akhtar


Pakistan is set to host AMAN-25; the ninth edition of multinational AMAN exercise from February 7 to 11. A key feature of this year’s exercise will be the AMAN Dialogue, where Chiefs of Naval Forces, heads of Coast Guards, and senior leaders from around the world will convene to discuss regional maritime security and devise joint strategies to counter evolving maritime threats.

Around 60 countries will participate in AMAN-25, contributing with ships, aircraft, Special Operations Forces (SOF), Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams, Marines, and observers. Delegations from across the globe will also attend the inaugural International AMAN Dialogue, which will take place alongside the exercise.

The AMAN series has been a hallmark of Pakistan’s efforts to promote regional peace and cooperation. Launched in 2007, the inaugural exercise saw participation of 28 countries. By 2023, the number of participating nations had grown to 50, including major naval powers. The motto of the AMAN series, “Together for Peace,” reflects its core mission, while this year’s theme, “Secure Seas; Prosperous Future,” emphasizes the importance of maritime security for global prosperity.

Israeli withdrawal from 1967 agreement

Pakistan condemns the Israeli withdrawal from 1967 agreement between Israel and UNRWA and its efforts to hamper UNRWA’s ability to fulfill its mandate of providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza valley. This ban would lead to further instability and worsening of humanitarian situation in Gaza as the region and its people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance and support.

Pakistan condemns the continued Israeli aggression in West Bank. Latest Israeli military raid in the Jenin and Balata Refugee Camps of the West Bank resulting in the killing of a 2-year toddler along with killing and injuring of several Palestinians is reprehensible and condemnable. We call on the international community to break its silence on continuous acts of brutality by Israel against innocent Palestinians.

Pakistan notes with concern the refusal by Israeli forces to withdraw from South of Lebanon on 26th January. We condemn the killing of 24 civilians including six women. It is worrying that Israel’s killing spree in southern Lebanon continues despite a ceasefire in place since November 27.

Jammu Kashmir

Confiscation of properties is an ugly facet of the Indian authorities’ campaign to crush dissent in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). As part of this campaign, assets of 11 individuals were seized in Kishtwar district, a few days ago.

The ongoing campaign to victimize the dissenters and intimidate the Kashmiri people must stop. India must also allow the people of IIOJK to freely exercise their right to self determination, as enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

Azerbaijan, Turkiye, Uzbekistan to Take Joint Actions Against Attempts Undermining their Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity


Pakistan and Serbia will hold the 5th round of Bilateral Political Consultations in Islamabad on January 31. Additional Secretary (Europe), Ambassador Shafqat Ali Khan will lead the Pakistani delegation. The Serbian side shall be headed by the Secretary of State, Mr. Damjan Jovic. The two sides will discuss a range of topics including political, trade, and people to people contacts.

Third round of Pakistan-Uzbekistan Bilateral Political Consultations will be held on 4-5 February 2025, in Tashkent. Additional Secretary (Afghanistan & West Asia), Ambassador Syed Ali Asad Gilani would be leading the Pakistan delegation.

The second round of Pakistan-Qatar BPC is scheduled to be held in Doha, Qatar on the 5th February 2025. The Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar will lead Pakistan delegation. Besides the dialogue, the DPM/FM will also interact with the Qatari leadership.

Pakistan in the World – January 2024

Question Answer

Q : There was latest announcement from Washington that all USAID assistance to number of countries, including Pakistan suspended. So would you like to update us that this suspension of US assistance to Pakistan is affecting how many areas or how many sectors in Pakistan since number of sectors, number of areas in Pakistan used to get this US aid and has this matter is taken up at some diplomatic level or something like that? Your take on this?

Spokesperson: Thank you for asking this question, because I received this question from a lot of colleagues, and I promised them that I’ll provide an answer during the briefing. What I can convey to you is that we have taken note of the executive order issued by the U.S. President, pausing all foreign development assistance programs for 90 days in order to assess their efficiencies and consistency with the US foreign policy. Over the years, USAID has worked on a number of beneficial projects in Pakistan in the areas of energy, education, health and Narcotics Control. We hope that these programs will restart soon, and the two sides remain in contact on that.

Q: Interior Minister visited America and met key American officials. What was the sole purpose of his visit? Secondly, he is performing someone else’s duties. Wasn’t it the duty of Ishaq Dar?

Spokesperson: First of all, about the honorable interior minister’s visit, I think their press release is self-contained and sufficient. And regarding the second part of the question is, it is the Prime Minister’s prerogative. He deploys the ministers wherever he wants. So, I don’t agree with your characterization of that.

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi Denies Attending Anti-China Event in US

Q: Sir, an investor delegation from America arrived in Pakistan on the point where American programs are being (inaudible). Can you please elaborate that in which sectors of Pakistan this delegation will invest? What are American incentives in it? And what benefits are Pakistan seeking through this? Secondly, regarding those restrictions, how Pakistan is affected by those restrictions?

Q- US Embassy spokesperson yesterday said that this is a primary business delegation that is visiting Pakistan. Would you want to shed light on the composition of the delegation or is it visiting on the invitation of Government of Pakistan or is it actually American decision?

Spokesperson: This is a welcome visit. Investors and businessmen keep visiting. This is a regular feature. There’s nothing extraordinary about it. The businessmen you are referring to are very reputable businessmen. But what I can tell you is that this is something the foreign ministry is not processing. It’s a regular activity for the investors to visit, and we look forward to deepening our economic engagement with the United States. It’s a constant feature of our relations. US is indeed the biggest, most powerful economy in the world. As, we try to improve economic relations with all countries; the same applies to our relations with the US. So for, the details, I would refer you to SIFC.

Q: President Trump issued executive order for the plan to deport or imprison the illegal immigrants back in United States to Guantanamo Bay. How many Pakistanis will be impacted and what will be your comments on this policy of imprisoning the illegal immigrants into Guantanamo Bay?

Spokesperson: I actually, I think this news has come just now and I need some more time to process it. About the question of illegal immigrants, the US has expedited the removal of aliens, illegal migrants from the US under the new executive order by the President of the United States issued on 20th January 2025. The Government of Pakistan and the US remain in active collaboration with each other for processing cases of illegal migrants and their subsequent deportations. This is an ongoing process carried out in coordination with the Ministry of Interior, and I’ll try to get exact figures involved.

Pakistan in the World – December 2024

Q: Sir, the EU has warned Pakistan not to take GSP plus status for granted and EU’s Special Representative for Human Rights, who is currently on a week-long visit in Pakistan, has also urged the Government of Pakistan not to use military courts to pursue cases against citizens and has opposed the recently enacted laws like PECA Act and recent move to restrict freedom of expressions. What are your views?

Spokesperson: I have to check the whole statement, whether it has been said or it is just the headline. In interstate relations no one takes any state or any party for granted. EU remains a very important partner for Pakistan. Pakistan-EU friendship and cooperation is based on universally recognized principles and these principles define Pakistan’s relations with the European Union. It’s a rich and comprehensive partnership. The two sides are very much engaged with each other. And GSP plus is one component of this very rich relationship. That’s the first point.

There’s no question of anyone taking anything for granted. I won’t agree with this characterization. And specifically on GSP plus, it’s a hand of partnership. It’s a mark of partnership between Pakistan and the EU. There are a lot of activities which are undertaken by Pakistan in terms of international obligations and commitment. There is a very robustly working Treaty Implementation Cell which tries to supervise and coordinate Pakistan’s follow up on implementation of the range of treaties.

About the Special Envoy’s visits, again it’s a regular feature of our interaction with the European Union and what we have put across is our perspective on whatever things happening in our legislative front, for example, on PECA or on the trial of terrorists or other wanted people. But this is part of an ongoing process. This is not one off or there is no one sitting in judgment on what’s happening in Pakistan. It’s a collaborative dialogue between two partners and friends.

Q: Sir, about Dakhla Boat Capsize , we do not know the causes. We do not know the reasons for the deaths. Do you admit it’s your failure being a spokesperson in first larger task, as well as is also the failure of our mission there?

Spokesperson: I don’t agree with this characterization and I am pleased if you think I can muster all the answers on behalf of the government. As I explained to you in my interaction with friends earlier also, our mission in Rabat has been very actively engaged. And I just want to acknowledge, once again, the cooperation and the help we have received from our brotherly country of Morocco. And this unfortunate tragedy happened close to their port.

Although there was no involvement of Morocco, they, you know, helped with the survivors, the dead bodies, whatever they could. They have extended all possible facilities.

That’s the second point. Third point is, 22 survivors with names and details were confirmed to you. And the final point, as I mentioned in the last briefing, this is a very sensitive issue. The identification of the dead bodies is not always easy. You know, you may have to take the DNA samples or fingerprints. It’s a long chain and then processing confirmation at the embassy level.

Then it has to be checked against the database here. So, there are layers of work involved. And obviously the incident which has taken place in a foreign country, a friendly, brotherly country, but we have to takes action in line with their processes, their laws, their bureaucracy.

And as I mentioned to you last time was that we can’t afford to go wrong. So that’s why we are taking all this care. And about the FIA’s visit I had asked you earlier to contact the Interior Ministry on that. That’s the best place to provide an answer.

Pakistan Appreciates Support from Morocco for Rescue of Stranded Citizens after Survival in Boat Capsize

Q: You issued a statement yesterday regarding American weapons in Afghanistan and said the same thing last week. Why in a week you said the same thing twice? And in the statement yesterday, you said that Pakistan has been asking the authorities in Afghanistan.

So, my question is that as you are asking again and again from Taliban or the Afghan interim government but what is their response? Do they admit that the weapons have gone? What is their response? Does Pakistan have concerns that these weapons could come handy to TTP? Second part, relocation of the TTP people, there are many reports circulating for months, are those reports true? Can you officially confirm that this process has started or is going on?

Q: Sir, there are some reports about TTP’s usage of weapons in Pakistan, and Pakistan has shared some evidence to Kabul as well. Is that true? If yes, then on what occasions have we provided them with the evidence?

Q: Is TTP backed by Afghan government in the matter of its usage of weapons in Pakistan? Similarly, who is responsible for the leftover weapons which are being used against Pakistan, is it current Afghan government or the USA?

Spokesperson: I have seen  reports comparing our statement issued yesterday and the last week to assert that we have changed our position. If you look closely, they are in harmony. Yesterday’s position is explaining it in more detail. The statement we made in the last briefing has been further expanded. It has just given more detail. That’s the first point.

The issue of weapons remains a source of concern. Why? We have proof of terrorist group using the same weapons for their terrorist actions in Pakistan. If you look at the entirety of the terrorism problem, this is one component of it, and that of course, remains a part of our engagement with the Afghan authorities, Kabul authorities, repeatedly conveying to them our concerns.

The proofs are regularly provided. I would not comment in detail about what time, but we have given sufficient proof and this remains an important component of our engagement with the Taliban authorities to convey that the terrorists enjoy sanctuary for attacks inside Pakistan. Regarding relocation, I’ll have to check. I’m not in a position to confirm I’ll have to check with my colleagues dealing with this issue.

Weapons and who is responsible? But right now, the issue is that weapons were left in Kabul, and they are under control of TTA as they have taken over the state. I mean, there is a new administration in Kabul. And those weapons are being used for terrorist activities in Pakistan. This is what I can say without getting into who is responsible. In our view, the primary responsibility is of the Kabul administration. They have to ensure that the sanctuary is not enjoyed by terrorists. This has to stop. This is what I can say.

Q: In previous week, 17 people including children were martyred in Rajouri IIOJK and other districts of IIOJK. We kept condemning such incidents in the past but now we are not condemning, has our policy been changed? Your comments.

Pakistan in the World – July / Aug 2024

Spokesperson: Not at all. The gruesome dance of death continues in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir and our position remains very clear. There couldn’t be more clarity in that. We condemn it and we draw attention of international community to these horrendous acts being perpetrated against the Kashmiris.

And I agree with you that it is one tragedy after another. We continue to emphasize the humanitarian, human rights dimension and also the larger dimension of the problems, the strain it puts on the overall security system in South Asia. And for a stable South Asia, the only route is through the peaceful settlement of Kashmir dispute, according to the wishes of the Kashmiri people and in line with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

Q:  The Indian government announced an award, the third highest award of India, Padma Bhushan, to a citizen Sadhvi Ritambhara, who was once accused of helping to incite a mob that led to demolish the Babri Mosque. She faced criminal charges. So, what are your views about this announcement of the Indian Government to award Sadhvi?

Spokesperson: What I can say is that it is another indicator, if we needed any more indicators, of the dangerous turn in the Indian polity and the direction it is taking. A person responsible for such acts of vandalism and incitement is being awarded the third highest award and this proves what we have been arguing. It’s becoming clearer day in day out to the international community.

I wanted to just mention that there are 770 Pakistanis in Indian jails. Similarly, I do not have, right now, readily the number of Indian prisoners in Pakistani prison system. But the two sides remain engaged to find wherever there is possibility to alleviate and to help the prisoners return to their country.

Q: As you stated that there are 770 Pakistani prisoners, do you have more data about how many men, children, and women are includes?

Spokesperson: I’ll give the details to you.

Q: I have two questions, first regarding Pakistan and Turkiye high level exchange and second regarding recent proposal by the Donald Trump to force displacement of the Palestinians from their land and asking Egyptians and Jordanians to take them. What is Pakistan’s position regarding the Donald Trump’s recent proposal to force the Palestinian from their land and offering them to Egyptian and Jordan. And secondly, are we expecting any high-level exchange between Pakistan and Turkiye? Any expected visit by the President Erdogan to Islamabad?

Spokesperson: About the first question, the proposal to displace the people of Gaza is deeply troubling and unjust. The Palestinian land belongs to the Palestinian people and the only viable and just option is the two-state solution, in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.

Türkiye remains one of our closest partners and a long-standing friend and we will make the announcement regarding high level visits in due course as everything becomes finalized.

Q: Sticking to high level visits, on the 7th of January, this year, the Prime Minister, while addressing a cabinet briefing, had said that the President of Indonesia will be visiting Pakistan this month, which ends tomorrow, and similarly, on the 2nd of January 2025, in your welcome briefing, when the Foreign Minister announced your appointment as well, he said that he will be traveling to Bangladesh from Malaysia, and he announced the Malaysia visit from 4th to 6th of February. Would you want to confirm these engagements? And will the President of Indonesia be visiting Pakistan as the Prime Minister announced it and will the Foreign Minister be visiting Bangladesh, as he himself announced?

Spokesperson: Both visits are in the works, but again, we will make the announcement in due course; once everything falls in place. Both visits are in the works. We are coordinating, and frankly, these timings, of course, we have to adjust both sides’ convenience. But I can tell you that we are working, the two sides are working on the visits.

Pakistan in the World – Aug / Sep 2024

Q: According to Indian, Pakistani, British and American media, India has been involved in 11 target killings in Pakistan since 2023 and Indian media was the first one to report this news. Has Pakistan undertaken any investigation regarding this and have we raised this issue on any forum? If yes, then what is the response on that?

Spokesperson: You see, I have earlier briefing, also mentioned it. It is state sponsored terrorism with global reach and Pakistan is one part of Indian targeted assassinations in Canada and in other countries. Besides there are news of their scouting in some other countries for further assassinations.

So, it is part of a global terrorist undertaking by the Indian state. And this is something we have highlighted. Our investigations were going on. We are in contact with a lot of other countries also.

But this remains a serious concern, not just for Pakistan, but again, as I have been saying, it shows the drift or the direction India is taking. So, this is the reality, the mantra of terrorism, you see, and how actually it has been practiced by the Indian side.

So, it is not just Pakistan. It’s a global problem. We remain seized of the matter, and we remain actively engaged on this. Our government remains actively engaged on this.

Q: Sir, my question is that during the oath taking ceremony of President Trump, Indian Foreign Minister was invited and later on President Trump also spoken to Prime Minister Modi. So, is there any contact between Pakistan and new Trump administration after the oath taking of President Trump? Don’t you think that it’s our diplomatic failure that India is, you know, properly engaged with the new administration, and there are no official or diplomatic talks between the Pakistan and United States after Trump Administration.

Spokesperson: I’ll repeat myself in what we conveyed in earlier briefings that what kind of relations India has with the US or with other countries is for them to decide. We remain engaged with the United States at multiple levels. It remains a very important relationship, and we look forward to engaging and further solidifying and strengthening Pakistan-US, relations which remain very important for Pakistan, for the US and also from the perspective of the regional stability.

Q: Sir, you talked about the good omen of the US businessman coming to Pakistan, but Mr. Beach also talked about something which is of the concern of diplomatic relations between the two countries. How do you feel or comment when US businessman says that ex-President Biden was bitter against Pakistan or he mistreated Pakistan. And secondly, there was lot of concern in Pakistan from one of the close aids of President Trump, tweeting, I’m talking of Richard Grenell, whether Pakistan is satisfied now that he was a victim of deep fake technology while tweeting against Pakistan?

Spokesperson: I am not going to comment on an American businessman’s characterization of Pakistan US relations and our position on the relations with the US is well known. And I’ll get back to you on the question of tweets and the deletion of tweets.

SURPRISE : Trump’s Close Aide, Billionaire Gentry Beach Calls Pakistan “Front Face of USA in the Region” – Says Richard Grenell was Misled about Imran with Fake Videos

Q: (Jiang Chao, Xinhua News Agency): Thank you so much, Spokesperson Ambassador Shafqat. Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif extended greetings to the Chinese people on the Chinese New Year and said that China’s success story served as a beacon of inspiration and confidence for Pakistan. Today is the second day of the Year of Snake in the Chinese calendar, what would you want to extend to the Chinese people, and how do you evaluate the cooperation in all fields between Pakistan and China in the new year? Thank you.

Spokesperson: China-Pakistan friendship remains a cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy. Decades old, all encompassing, multi-dimensional, and it has stood the test of time.

China remains the most important, reliable and close friend, strategic partner, and we are iron brothers. I had the privilege of serving in China, and I understand the importance of Chinese New Year. And we can, on behalf of the Foreign Ministry, and I think all Pakistani people and the friends from media, we can also add to the voice of the honorable Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, in extending our warmest regards and best wishes to the Chinese people for a Happy Chinese New Year.

Q: There are reports that almost 50 Pakistanis are stuck in Congo. Since we don’t have a Mission in the country, what is MoFA doing on this, and are there any contacts with the concerned government of the country?

Spokesperson: I need to check with Africa division. I’ll get back to you. I haven’t seen any news on that, but I’ll check and get back to you.

Q: A big tranche of illegal sim cards totaled 6,700 was confiscated at Multan Airport. I don’t know if this question is related to this ministry or not, but sims are coming from abroad and overseas Pakistanis are involved in this as they issue them from abroad. The most critical problem that this country is facing, according to current government, is fake news. A controversial bill has also been passed on this matter. What actions do our missions take and what message does this ministry give to Pakistanis who register sims in their names abroad and sell it in Pakistan and then operate social media accounts that are involved in fake news, spreading misinformation on Pakistan’s internal affairs, providing opportunity for Indian interference?

Spokesperson: On fake news, we know how dangerous it is. We are increasingly becoming aware of erosion of society’s stability and how dangerous it is to the social harmony of the societys’. But about this news about sims, I can refer to you to Ministry of Interior and I.T. ministry. They will be in a better position to respond to the specifics of this question.

Q: My question is about the US MTCR policy shift, which allows broader missile sales, favoring allies like India, while undermining regimes of Non-Proliferation goals. Don’t you think that this policy shift leads to the arms raise and security dilemma, particularly in South Asia, which impacts the strategic stability?

Spokesperson: I cannot but agree with you. Regarding this arms transfers to India, we continue to argue at multiple levels with our friends and partners and other countries which have defense relations with India, that in making these decisions, they should be mindful of the destabilizing impact this is going to have on the regional stability and also fanning India’s hegemonic impulse.

Q: As you mentioned about the prisoners in India, so what are the major charges the Pakistani citizens are facing, and what about the consular access? And the second one, the media controversy this week, an American girl who reached to Pakistan for her love and she refused to return to her country. Police claim that she will be handed to her to American consulate in Karachi. So what are the updates? Thank you.

Q: The American woman who is in Karachi, what can the Foreign Ministry do about it because the American consulate has stated that without her wishes, we cannot send her back to the United States. So, is this not against our diplomatic policies that she is not being sent back and what Foreign Ministry can do about it?

Spokesperson: I can try to get the more details, but they are in prison for a range of offenses. It’s not just one category. So about the second question, we have our own laws about entry, visa, and stay. The law is taking its course, and there isn’t much for the Foreign Ministry to comment on it, unless the issue arises and it’s the local authorities dealing with the matter according to our domestic legislation and laws.

A foreigner comes with the visa and till the duration of the visa, they can stay here. And obviously, if you have a valid visa, without any reason, you can’t be asked to leave the country. But, in any case, the specifics you can get from the Sindh government Home department, they can provide you more detail on that.

Q:  In 10 days since the new US administration took charge, the new Secretary of State, Marc Rubio, has been having calls with a lot of his counterparts from across the region as well. Is there a call planned between the Foreign Minister and Secretary of State that he would be expecting sometime soon, because I haven’t seen that happen in the releases that the USA has done? Thank you.

Spokesperson: The engagements continue at multiple levels, and as soon as some high level engagement is crystallized or it’s firmed up, we will inform our colleagues in the media about that.

Q: A deadline was given to Afghan nationals that they leave Pakistan before 31st December. After the announcement of this deadline, the Afghan Government asked Pakistan to review this decision. Did the Afghan Government contacted you officially, what is policy on this situation and is any new deadline being considered?

Secondly, regarding beggars who go to Gulf countries, previously Saudi government wrote to Pakistan about it and this issue has been raised at Standing Committee of the National Assembly. UAE also imposed harsh restrictions for visas for Pakistanis. What actions are being taken about it?

Q: (Islam Uddin, Anadolu Agency Türkiye): How many Afghan nationals are currently stuck in Pakistan who stayed here after the Taliban return to Kabul? And for example, secondly, the Trump administration refused to allow them to enter the United States. So what would be Pakistan’s strategy? You will send them back to Kabul or allow them to live in Pakistan. Thank you.

Spokesperson: The last question about the numbers, I can give you a broad figure, the Afghan nationals who had been cleared for resettlement abroad. I need to reconfirm this figure, almost 80,000 have been taken by various countries for resettlement, and around 40,000 are still in Pakistan.

Secondly, about the suspension of Afghan resettlement program, we have taken note of the suspension of the United States Refugee Admission Program by the US President through an Executive Order on 20th January, 2025. We are hopeful that the program would be restarted so that the remaining Afghan refugees could be resettled in the US as per commitments given by the US government.

Regarding your question about interaction with the Afghan authorities, because Afghan refugees have been here for so long, it remains a constant topic of discussion. There are a number of issues which arise out of the refugee movement, like consular issues, passports etc. Hence, it is a constant topic of discussion between the two governments at multiple levels.

About the question on beggars, I don’t have any details, but I think I would also request you to address this question to Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis. When you have a very robust relationship, for example, there are millions of Pakistanis living and working in the gulf countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait so a number of issues, consular, matters can come up which have to be addressed.

And this is being addressed sufficiently. The dialogue mechanisms are robust. We continue to engage. And finally, about the UAE visa, a lot of people say that it’s becoming difficult. But what I want to emphasize was there is a huge Pakistani community working very happily, and living there. It’s an issue between our two countries. We have very strong brotherly relations with UAE. It’s an ongoing discussion. If anything specific comes out, I’ll share it with you.

Q: We have floated some proposals for the confidence building measures with Afghanistan so visit of Sadiq Sahab, the visit of Foreign Minister as he said on 10th July that he will visit Afghanistan in coming days but it has been six months now but it is being speculated that this visit will take place.

Secondly, Pakistan is proposing that China, Russia and Pakistan hold an Envoys level meeting on Afghanistan at Kabul and it is speculated that Pakistan may change the status of Charge d’Affairs to Ambassador.

When Sadiq Sahab visited, there was an understanding about the visits of political leader and I have information that the Afghan Embassy has invited some political leaders in which Mushahid Hussain Syed, Aimel Wali, Siraj ul Haq will be participating. Can you confirm this?

Spokesperson:  As always, you have covered the whole canvas. What I can tell you on CBMs and these visits, there are discussions going on. I don’t have any concrete information to share with you, but the two sides, remain engaged to find a proper time and agenda, how to move forward. But the two sides remain in contact, and this matter remains under discussion.

About Pakistan, China, Russia, what I can tell you is I don’t have any specific news to share with you. We have very close collaboration coordination on Afghanistan issue going on with China and also with Russia. You know, the special representatives are in touch with each other. And it is again, not one off thing. It is an ongoing thing.

About Cd’A question, our Ambassador Nizamani is a very distinguished diplomat. So far, he continues to work as a Cd’A but as I mentioned to you last time, we will look at an opportune time, keeping in view overall situation, and also broadly what direction the international community is taking before we take a decision on this matter.

But what I wanted to reiterate is that although both sides are maintaining Embassies at the Cd’A level, but the contacts are very robust. It’s not in any way impeding access of any of the embassy for passing on messages, and for engaging, so this also goes on.

Visit of political leaders, I’ll have to check on this. I don’t have any information.

Q: Recently, the Taliban acting Deputy Foreign Minister Sher Muhammad Abbas has called the senior leadership to open schools for Afghan girls. So your stance on it?

Spokesperson: Thank you. I have seen the statement. You know, Pakistan has been advocating that the universally recognized norms in terms of the female education should be preferred. But essentially, it remains an internal matter of Afghanistan.

But from our side, what I can convey to you, we have this Allama Iqbal scholarship program. One third of the 4500 scholarships are reserved for females. So that’s our approach. But in essence, it remains an internal matter to Afghanistan, which we hope sees a positive evolution in terms of their approach and policy on this matter.

Pakistan in the World – October 2024

Q: What is Pakistan’s stance on forced resettlement of war torn Palestinian affectees to other Arab countries? Secondly, America is providing 2000 pounds bombs to Israel, what is Pakistan’s position as America has exempted Israel from recent blockages of aid to other countries?

Spokesperson: The proposal to displace the people of Gaza is deeply troubling and unjust. The Palestinian land belongs to the Palestinian people, and the only viable and just option is the two state solution and resolution according to the UN Security Council resolutions.

About the other question, what we have advocated consistently, is that instead of military option, diplomacy has to be in the lead, and diplomacy based on justice, international law and UN Security Council resolutions leading to a two state solution. That’s only option which can take us out of this quagmire which we are witnessing in Middle East.

Q: Sir, please confirm two visits. Next month, Prime Minister’s visit to Azerbaijan and Turkiye’s President to Pakistan? What is schedule and when this will commence? (Inaudible)

Spokesperson: There are multiple visits being scheduled which are in the pipeline, so we will make formal announcements once everything is firmed up and confirmed. I would request your patience a bit more on that count.

Q: (Zain Zaman, Agency France-Presses): In your last briefing you said that US has not communicated, on official level, US not communicated its new policy regarding Afghan refugees. So over the course of one week, have you heard back from the US officials on new policy? Thank You.

Spokesperson: When I made the last briefing, the policy hadn’t been communicated. But recently, we have heard, we have been informed about the pause, the suspension so far, but we are in touch with them, and we will see how it evolves.

Pakistan in the World – Sep / Oct 2024


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